A mystical Month, Full moon eclipse September 18th and the ancestors fortnight, Astro forecast Sept-Oct 2024

Welcome to Sidereal Noon, Classical Vedic Astrology from your Swiss Yogini Aurelie

I will take you through a short introduction of the upcoming full moon followed by an exploration of the nodes in vedic astrology after which we will go over all the planetary placements for the upcoming eclipse. To finish off we will discuss Pitri Paksha the mystical two weeks off the calendar dedicated to our ancestors whereby all sorts of spirits roam the earth.

If you are wanting an eclipse tune in reach out to in**@au*************.com to review your chart and where this eclipse is falling in your horoscope.

Eclipses are part of our yearly rhythms, remember it is about bringing things to light so try your best to practice surrender. Wherever this eclipse falls in your chart, i.e., area of life, it will bring some form of agitation and disharmony. The recommendation is to observe and remain patient, gently waiting for greater clarity. I call this time period the pressure cooker, let off steam however you know works best for you. While some do well with a walk, others may need a dancing class or an afternoon at the coffee shop knitting. Take care of yourself, and when in doubt—especially due to Venus being debilitated—spend time by a body of water or enjoy a healing salt bath. You can even add some rosemary while you’re at it. More on the planetary influences and this upcoming Full Moon after a quick exploration of the nodes in Vedic Astrology.

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A note on Eclipses and the Nodes of the Moon in Vedic Astrology

Rahu and Ketu are the North and South nodes of the Moon. In vedic astrology they are shadow planets since in reality they are mathematical points linked to the oscilating movement of the Moon. During Eclipses the Moon or Sun passes through one of these shadow points. Since these points in the sky are shadows it often represents the places in our lives where we don’t see quite clearly. Rahu is often described as obsessive and manipulative meanwhile Ketu can represent thieves or people that have a tendency to hide themselves, it can also show deeply spiritual beings. Rahu is described as an endless craving and influx of desires for pleasures while Ketu is the headless node whom wants to renounce this whole world and seat completely absorbed in meditation. The nodes represent two side of an extreme, mythologically they are the Head Rahu and Body Ketu of a Demon whom disguised itself to drink the potion of immortality… They Devour the Sun and Moon twice a year…

September 18th 2024, Full Moon in Pisces and Partial Lunar Eclipse

On September 18th, The Moon will reach peak fullness in the expansive sign of Pisces. Pisces rules over the oceans and very large body of water. In the traditional text Jataka Parijata “Pisces is called jīva It symbolizes existence and the process of exploring the purpose of the same” (Truth about the Sun Signs by Branka Larsen). The Moon will journey through the Eclipse point and experience a partial lunar eclipse. Hence marking a moment in time of dancing with the shadows of Rahu. A Moon influenced by Rahu can be full of anxiety as well as creative thinking. Rahu is airy in nature, when the Moon is influenced by the air element it becomes very changeable and dry. See the Moon is ruled by Water and this element allows us to connect with Love and retain connections with Other. Meanwhile air travels fast and changes hence it can become ‘cold.’ Now if you are moving around like a merchant and traveling through the world and or living in renounciation this coldness can be an asset however for day to day life in interpersonal relationships it can be a challenge. In Vedic astrology, we learn to move away from the concepts of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and instead recognize that everything can be beneficial in some situations and less so in others. Now to return to our expansive Full Moon in Pisces a water sign ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, we are called to mind our emotions and heart especially since on this day Venus will be traveling through the last degree of Virgo and finally stepping away from its debilitation sign. Did you know a beat up Venus can give jealousy issues? Venus and the Moon both rule over the water element in the sky. Hence this emphasis on the emotional impact of this lunar eclipse. So remember be patient as we get close to the full moon and allow for emotions to rise and fall. Take care of yourself and make sure to stay hydrated.



Pitr Paksha, the Ancestors fortnight. September 18th-October 3rd 2024

This full Moon marks the beginning of Pitri Paksha a widely celebrated festival in India, whereby our ancestors are honored and worshiped for two weeks from Full Moon to Dark Moon. As we get closer to the dark Moon the veil gets thinner between those embodied beings and the departed ones. It is said at this time that all sorts of spirits roam the earth, hence in certain parts on India no one would invite a new person into their homes. For us we should be mindful of the people we meet during this time… This year Pitri Paksha will begin with this Lunar Eclipse September 18th and culminate with the Dark Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2nd (more on this solar eclipse in an upcoming post). There are many ways to offer to our ancestors and the main reason for offering is to pacify our lineages. Indeed one of the great Masters I study with always says you should pay attention during those two weeks a year and if repeatedly misfortune happens at this time something should be done to appease the lineage. In lay mens term, the ancestors are either coming to give us great blessings or to torture us a bit. In fact this ancestral Karma is clearly seen in the chart and indicated by certain planetary placements, like Saturn and Ketu conjunct, or Mars and Ketu. If you are a deeply intuitive being and or have had encounters with ghosts it is a good time to make sure to energetically cleanse your home. Use Gugul incense, sage and other practices you may be familliar with. It is good to invoke this protection at sunset with a 6 syllable mantra Om Vishnave Namah or Om Mani Padme Hum. If you feel inspired you can connect to your local temples and participate in more formal ancestral ceremonies (example). You can also practice the tarpana on your own following this guide: link. And alternatively light a candle by a photo of your ancestor and offer incense with love and compassion.

It is important to understand the shared karmic bond that links us to our family and heritage good and bad.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Partial (MOON-RAHU) Sign: Pisces Lunar Mansion: Pūrvabhādra September 18th
Dark Moon Solar Eclipse, Annular (SUN-KETU) Sign: Virgo Lunar Mansion: Hastā October 2nd

Here is a detailed review of the visibility of the eclipse, please note in the Vedic tradition it is not recommended to be outside and look at the eclipse while it is taking place. Following the same thought try not to cook or eat a meal during the time of the eclipse.

Now if you have made it this far here is a little secret, did you know in truth a Jyotishi ie vedic astrologer is trained as a ‘karmic doctor. That is because we are taught not only to see karma but to truly understand it, from the way it grips our destiny to the ways it modifies our actions as time moves and changes all things in this world.

During this lunar eclipse there is a great opportunity to emplify our actions, remember every small drop of goodness we poor into this world becomes a part of us the opposite is true as well. So use this time of the lunar eclipse to make a donation to a non profit of your choice. This is a great way to mediate our karmic destinies. If you have seen a Vedic astrologer and know which donations are best recommended for your own chart now is the time to use this knowledge.

                                              Full Moon Eclipse September 18th 2024,

                                              Visit Time and date link to find the exact time of the eclipse in your location.

                                                       Dark Moon Solar Eclipse October 3rd 2024

                                                       Visit Time and date link to find out the timing for your location.